Resources to begin your journey with R

The Carpentries Software Carpentry curriculum provides R resources for not only teaching but for learning too.

The Carpentries
Teaching coding
Africa Community

June 17, 2023

Meetup Description

This was the 1st collaboration session for R-Ladies Gaborone in 2023 with R-Ladies Rabat, Talarify, Research Software and Systems Engineers Africa (RSSE Africa) and R-Ladies Abuja to try and reach as many communities as possible with this session. This meetup explored the various resources to begin your journey with R using Software Carpentry curriculum. Although Angelique had a cold before the session, she was kind enough to continue her talk because of the commitment she made 🦾.

The Carpentries , teaches foundation coding and data science skills to researchers worldwide. All the lessons are available under a Creative Commons license, so anyone is welcome to use them as they wish, provided they attribute them back to The Carpentries. The curricula range from data organisation with spreadsheets and data cleaning with OpenRefine to some analyses and plotting with R or Python. They have lessons for more advanced users focusing on visualization in R, working with core data structures, using conditionals and loops, writing custom functions and running R programs.

The Carpentries African Community

The African Carpentries community call occurs the last Thursday of every the month. The sessions cover, workshops, announcements and talks from community members from Africa within Data Science. The Carpentries in Africa can also be found through regions in South Africa.

The Carpentries Workshop has also been conducted at the University of Botswana. You can read the details here Botswana Software Carpentry

Meetup Collaboration Contributors

R-Ladies Rabat

R-Ladies Rabat Twitter

R-Ladies Rabat YouTube channel

R-Ladies Rabat on Meetup

Research Software Engineers and Research Systems Engineers

RSSE Africa official website |

RSSE Twitter


Talarify Twitter

About the speaker

Angelique Trusler, PhD (Educational Psychology), is the African Capacity Development Manager at The Carpentries and an Extraordinary Researcher at Optentia Research Unit, North-West University, Vaal Triangle Campus.

Contact Angelique @
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