Using R as an Epidemiologist Assessment of real-world data


March 12, 2022

Meetup Description

R-Ladies Dammam and R-Ladies Gaborone co-host this talk describing how Brianna Lindsay PhD uses and has used R as an epidemiologist in industry and academia. The focus of the talk will review how she approaches a data set, important lessons learned about ‘dirty’ real-world data and the basics of data exploration using R and R Studio.

According to Frerot et al., 2017, Epidemiology is the study of the distribution and determinants of health-related states of events in specified populations. Brianna shows us Epidemiology analysis with;


the here, readr, janitor, summarytools and tidyverse packages need to be installed before executing the code.

  • pre-post analysis with tidyverse

    The Pre-post analysis shows whether an antibiotic treatment efficacy improved overtime using an app. The figure below shows on the far left, the survey in app form to collect antibiotic treatment information from different demographics. The table of contects shows the symptons collected from the survey until the Pre-post app is developed on the far right.


. The Epidemiologist R Handbook - R for applied epidemiology



. Mutate and ifelse

. CDC Managing Data Workbook

. RECON Learn

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