Reproducible Research with R Markdown


July 9, 2022

Meetup Description

Research is considered to be reproducible when the exact results can be reproduced if given access to the original data, software, or code. Reproducible research is sometimes known as reproducibility, reproducible statistical analysis, reproducible data analysis, reproducible reporting, and literate programming.


This meetup does not have a recording. The tutorial can be followed using the available links at the bottom of the page.

The first thing to understand is reproducibility.

According to Harris er al. (2018) analyses are reproducible when analyzing the same data with the same methods produces the same results.

  • This is different from:

    • Repeatability, which is the ability to conduct the same analysis on the same data (regardless of results), and

    • Replicability, which is the ability collect new data, use the same methods, and get the same results

Renv package

The renv package helps you create create reproducible environments for your R projects. The renv package vignette introduces you to the basic nouns and verbs of renv, like the user and project libraries, and key functions like,

renv::init(), renv::snapshot() and renv::restore().

You’ll also learn about some of the infrastructure that makes renv tick, some problems that renv doesn’t help with, and how to uninstall it if you no longer want to use it.

More documentation on Renv found here;


  • Follow a tutorial on R Markdown here. Analyze. Share. Reproduce. Your data tells a story. Tell it with R Markdown. Turn your analyses into high quality documents, reports, presentations and dashboards.

  • Follow the R Markdown cheat sheet to easily get functions to create a reproducible document.

About the Speaker

Jenine Harris is a Professor teaching biostatistics courses in the public health program at the George Warren Brown School of Social Work at Washington University in St. Louis in Missouri, United States. She is also the co-founder and current organizer of R-Ladies St. Louis a local chapter of the R-Ladies Global organisation organization that has the mission of increasing gender diversity in the R community.

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